What To Expect
for Worship
The belief that God is within every person is powerful. Anyone, anywhere can experience divinity directly, without an intermediary. Friends Meetings for Worship, which last about an hour, are generally silent in order to allow participants to become centered and receptive to the Spirit. In the stillness we wait, pray, give thanks, meditate, or contemplate. There is no music or sermon, but rather a sense of communion with the larger spiritual world.
During worship, all share responsibility for vocal ministry. God may call upon anyone, regardless of experience or education, age or gender, to be a messenger. No one is excluded from the possibility of such service just as no one is appointed in advance to preach or pray at a particular Meeting for Worship. Out of the quiet may come spoken messages in response to a prompting of the Spirit. A question to ponder before speaking is “Is this message intended just for me or for the entire meeting?” The Meeting listens deeply, allowing a silence between messages for reflection.
During Meeting for Worship, Friends seek connection to one another and to God dwelling among them. In some Meetings, the vocal ministry will have a common theme, each message deepening and enriching the other and connecting to one’s own thoughts. Some Meetings are entirely silent. At a gathered Meeting, “the sense is present that a new Life and Power has entered our midst” (Thomas Kelly, The Gathered Meeting). Not every Meeting is a gathered Meeting, and not everyone has the same perception of a particular Meeting.
At La Jolla Meeting, silent worship ends around 11 am. There is a period of time when, remaining in the spirit of worship, those present are invited to speak briefly of their joys and concerns. Following this, one member signals the end of the Meeting for Worship by shaking hands with those around them or making an announcement on Zoom. After the Meeting is over, most Friends remain to hear introductions of newcomers or people who have been away for a while. Finally, announcements of Meeting events and activities are given.
A bi-weekly Quaker video project by Friends Journal provides the following guide for newcomers on what they can expect in Quaker Meeting for Worship on Sunday morning. (https://quakerspeak.com/)